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Acronym List

Summarized below are acronyms commonly used in Board folders and accompanying staff reports.

A/CAAuthority to Construct Permit
ABAssembly Bill
AMOSAutomatic Meteorological Observation Stations
AP-42EPA technical reference specifying specific Air Pollutant Emission Factors
APCDAir Pollution Control District
APCOAir Pollution Control Officer
AQMDAir Quality Management District
ATCMAirborne Toxic Control Measure
BACTBest Available Control Technology
BAMBeta Attenuation Monitor (records hourly ambient particulate data)
BCAGButte County Association of Governments
BCAQMDButte County Air Quality Management District
BCCSacramento Valley Basinwide Air Pollution Control Council
BOSBoard of Supervisors
CAAClean Air Act
CAAQSCalifornia Ambient Air Quality Standards
Cal-EPACalifornia Environmental Protection Agency
CAPCOACalifornia Air Pollution Control Officers Association
CARBCalifornia Air Resources Board
CCOCentral Computer Operator (applies to Agricultural Burning Program)
CdChemical symbol for cadmium
CDFCalifornia Department of Forestry
CEQACalifornia Environmental Quality Act
CICompression Ignition
COChemical symbol for carbon monoxide
CO2Chemical symbol for carbon dioxide
CPACertified Public Accountant
CPIConsumer Price Index
CSACCalifornia State Association of Counties
CUAChico Urbanized Area
DMVDepartment of Motor Vehicles
DTSCCalifornia Department of Toxic Substance Control
EGEmission Guidelines
EIEmission Inventory
EmfacEmission Factor Computer Model
EPAEnvironmental Protection Agency (Federal)
ERCEmission Reduction Credit
EVREnhanced Vapor Recovery
FRMFederal Reference Method
FYFiscal Year (June 30-July 1, unless otherwise stated)
GASBGovernmental Accounting Standards Board
GDFGasoline Dispensing Facilities
GFOAGovernmental Finance Officers Association
GHGGreenhouse Gases
GWPGlobal Warming Potential
HAPHazardous Air Pollutants
HClHydrochloric Acid
HgChemical symbol for mercury
HRAHealth Risk Assessments
HSCHealth & Safety Code
HWSAHigh Wood Smoke Area
ICEInternal Combustion Engine
ISRIndirect Source Review
LE5Law Enforcement, Permit No. 5 (for open burning)
LESBLower Emission School Bus program
Mg/YrMilligrams per year
MicronAbbreviation of Micrometer or 1,000,000th of a meter in size
MPOMetropolitan Planning Organization
MslMean sea level
MMT CO2Million Metric Tons of Carbon Dioxide equivalent emissions
MSWMunicipal Solid Waste
NAAQSNational Ambient Air Quality Standard
NACAANational Association Clean Air Agencies
NESHAPSNational Emission Standards for Hazardous Air Pollutants
NMOCNon-Methane Organic Compound
NONNotice of Noncompliance
NOxOxides of Nitrogen
NSPSNew Source Performance Standards
NSRNew Source Review
NTANotice to Apply
NTCNotice to Comply
OEHHACalifornia Office of Environmental Health Hazard Assessment
OALOffice of Administrative Law
ORVROnboard Refueling Vapor Recovery
PbChemical symbol for lead
PERPPortable Equipment Registration Program
PMParticulate Matter
PM 10-2.5Particulate Matter 10 Microns in Size and smaller, but greater than 2.5 Microns
PM10Particulate Matter 10 Microns in Size and smaller
PM2.5Particulate Matter 2.5 Microns in Size and smaller
PSDPrevention of Significant Deterioration
RACTReasonably Available Control Technology
RCRCRegional Council of Rural Counties
RRFRelative Reduction Factor
RSDRemote Sensing Device
SBSenate Bill
SDRMASpecial District Risk Management Authority
SFSquare Foot
SICStandardized Industrial Classification
SIPState Implementation Plan
SO2Chemical symbol for sulfur dioxide
SSISize Selective Inlet (applies to particulate samplers)
TACTechnical Advisory Committee of the BCC
TARMACCAPCOA Toxics and Risk Managers Committee
TEIPToxic Emission Inventory Plan
TEIRToxic Emission Inventory Report
TEOMTaper Element Oscillating Microbalance (records hourly ambient particulate data)
Title 17California Code of Regulations, Administrative Law adopted by the California Air Resources Board, and referencing in this Board folder the Agricultural burn guidelines
ug/m3Micrograms per cubic meter
URBEMISUrban Emissions computer program
USDAUnited States Department of Agriculture
USEPAUnited States Environmental Protection Agency
UVUltra Violet
VEEVisible Emission Evaluation Certification
VOCVolatile Organic Compound
WUIWildland Urban Interface
YTDYear to Date